Authors guidelines

Contributions should focus on latest development and findings in management sciences in the wine tourism industry. 

The International Research Workshop aims to contribute to wine tourism research and calls for research papers investigating topics related (but not limited)to the following topics:

- Customer segmentation and consumer behaviors 
- Wine tourism experience  
- Marketing strategies and innovation 
- Entrepreneurship and innovation management 
- Strategic management 
- Cooperation, collaboration, networks and alliances 
- Information Communication Technologies (ICTs)
- Cross-cultural studies and cultural influences 
- Sustainability 


Format of contributions: extended abstracts 

  • Competitive papers: completed research papers on any topics related to the themes of the conference
  • Work-in-progress reports:  on-going research or ideas for future research in order to generate feedback on any topics related to the theme of the conference


Requirements for contributions

  • 5 pages maximum, excluding title page, references and appendices
  • Title page should include name(s) of author(s), affiliations, email address and corresponding author
  • APA 6th referencing style
  • Font: Times New Roman, Font size: 12, 1,15 line spacing, Margins 2,5 cm for top, bottom, left and right
  • Only word documents will be accepted (save the title of your paper as title of the contribution) 


Academic publication opportunities

All contributions will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Accepted contributions that will be presented during the workshop will be included in the workshop proceedings. Selected papers presented at the workshop will have the opportunity to be considered for a special issue in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Authors would need to agree and indicate that they wish their paper to be considered for the special issue when they submit it to the workshop. An invitation to submit a paper to the special issue is not a guarantee it will be accepted by the editors for publication. Any paper that will be potentially published in the special issue will not be published in the proceedings.

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